Elephant-English for Kids
Der kleine blaue Elefant bringt Englisch für Vorschulkinder in 30 Schritten.
Mit einem "ABC-Song", einem Film der Zeichentrickserie "Peppa Wutz" - zuerst auf Englisch, danach auf Deutsch, einer Story mit "David und Red" und einer Folge von "Playtime", einem Englischprogramm für Kinder.
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The Letter A, "Hooray For A"
Matschepampe! - Muddy Puddles
Learning English with the Mouse -
I am a Western Cowboy
Step 01 - Hello
The Letter B, "B is For Boogie"
Sausia ist weg! - Mr Dinosaur Is Lost
Robert Metcalf - Two happy Birds
Step 02 - Let's Play
Red on TV
The Letter C, "Crazy For C"
Beste Freunde - Best Friend
Super Simple Songs -
And The Green Grass Grew
Step 03 - At the Fair
Eating Spaghetti
The Letter D, "Dee Doodley Do"
Polly Piepmatz - Polly Parrot
Learning English with the Mouse -
Neun schreckliche Piraten
Step 04 - The Dreamhouse
The Letter E, "Everybody Has An E"
Verstecken - Hide and Seek
Robert Metcalf - Three little Ducks
Step 05 - Jill´s Birthday
Counting Song from 1 to 10
Im Kindergarten - The Playgroup
Super Simple Songs -
Down In The Deep Blue Sea
Step 06 - A Bike Tour
Washing Up
The Letter F, "F is Fun"
Mama Wutz muss arbeiten - Mummy Pig at Work
Learning English with the Mouse -
Buchstaben von A bis Z
Step 07 - At the Toy Museum
iPad Commercial
The Letter G, "Gimme G"
Schweinchen in der Mitte - Piggy in the Middle
Robert Metcalf - Shake it all about
Step 08 - A Train Ride
The Letter H, "Say Hello To Your Good Friend, H"
Papa Wutz sucht seine Brille - Daddy Loses His Glasses
Super Simple Songs -
What's Your Name?
Step 09 - At Grandpa´s
Upside Down
The Letter I, "I Use I"
Gartenarbeit - Gardening
Learning English with the Mouse -
A Clown on his Hands
Step 10 - A Boat Ride
The Letter J, "Jump For J"
Schluckauf - Hiccups
Robert Metcalf - Open, Close Them
Step 11 - Welcome Back
The Rainbow Song
Fahrrad fahren - Bicycles
Super Simple Songs -
Head Shoulders Knees And Toes
Step 12 - Jill has got a Cold
The Letter K, "K is Okay With Me"
Geheimnisse - Secrets
Learning English with the Mouse -
The Rabbit has a Tricycle
Step 13 - The Street Market
Red in Love
The Letter L, "The Lovely Letter L"
Himmelsdrachen - Flying A Kite
Robert Metcalf - Incy Wincy Spider
Step 14 - Flying a Kite
The Letter M, "The Mighty M"
Picknick - Picnic
Super Simple Songs -
Are You Sleeping, Baby Bear?
Step 15 - Fun in the Snow
Red is sick
The Letter N, "You Need an N"
Musikinstrumente - Musical Instruments
Learning English with the Mouse -
All the Colours of the World
Step 16 - MacDonald's Band
The Letter O, "Only O"
Frösche, Würmer, Schmetterlinge - Frogs And Worms And Butterflies
Robert Metcalf - Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Step 17 - The Cake
Paint a Picture
Numbers Song
Verkleiden - Dressing Up
Super Simple Songs -
Pop The Bubbles
Step 18 - Jill's great Day
The Letter P
Neue Schuhe - New Shoes
Learning English with the Mouse -
The Crow sits in the Apple Tree
Step 19 - At the Seaside
The Letter Q, "Question For Q"
Das Schulfest - The School Fete
Robert Metcalf - How do you do today
Step 20 - The Clown
My Name is...
The Letter R, "Are You Ready For R"
Mama Wutz hat Geburtstag - Mummy Pig’s Birthday
Super Simple Songs -
Hello Hello!
Step 21 - Aunt Emily
The Letter S, "Say Yes To S"
Die Zahnfee - The Tooth Fairy
Learning English with the Mouse -
Almost a Prayer
Step 22 - At the cinema
The Letter T, "Time For T"
Das neue Auto - The New Car
Robert Metcalf - Five Fingers
Step 23 - Camping
The Letter U, "Unstoppable U"
Schatzsuche - Treasure Hunt
Super Simple Songs -
Open Shut Them
Step 24 - The Thief
Hide and seek
The Letter V, "Very V"
Rote Punkte - Not Very Well
Learning English with the Mouse -
Elephants in Africa
Step 25 - Whose dog is it?
The Letter W, "Wonderful W"
Schnee - Snow
Robert Metcalf - Counting is easy
Step 26 - At the Zoo
Letter X, "Extraordinary X"
Burg Wetterstein - Windy Castle
Super Simple Songs -
The Bear Went Over The Mountain
Step 27 - Tom's Party
The Letter Y, "Try Y"
Meine Cousine - My Cousin Chloé
Learning English with the Mouse -
Max, get some Milk!
Step 28 - Decorating
Where is the apple?
The Letter Z, "I'll Be with Z"
Pfannkuchen - Pancakes
Learning English with the Mouse -
The Coconut
Step 29 - Something new
Hammer and Nail
"ABC Jamboree"
Das Schulfest - The School Fete
Super Simple Songs -
Here Comes The Fire Truck
Step 30 - A Trip to the Moon